What's Better Than Dynamite?
Anne & Kevin revisit episode 1x05 of Wynonna Earp
Join Anne & Kevin as they revisit "Diggin' Up Bones" episode 1X05 of Wynonna Earp.
Diggin' Up Bones
Diggin' Up Bones
Written by Shelley Scarrow
Directed by Paolo Barzman
Aired April 29, 2016
Episode postmortems mentioned can be found here https://www.thetvjunkies.com/tag/wynonna-earp-postmortem/
Kevin's other Wynonna Earp podcasts are: Earp Sister Feels on Twitter @EarpSisterFeels and Tales of the Black Badge on Twitter @WynonnaEarpPod
Anne's other Wynonna Earp podcasts are: Wynaught on Twitter @WynaughtP and This Earper Life on Twitter @ThisEarperLife
You can find us on Twitter @Earpology_Pod https://twitter.com/Earpology_Pod
Leave us a voicemail at https://www.earpologypodcast.com/
Email: earpologypodcast@gmail.com
Kevin's other Wynonna Earp podcasts are: Earp Sister Feels on Twitter @EarpSisterFeels and Tales of the Black Badge on Twitter @WynonnaEarpPod
Anne's other Wynonna Earp podcasts are: Wynaught on Twitter @WynaughtP and This Earper Life on Twitter @ThisEarperLife
You can find us on Twitter @Earpology_Pod https://twitter.com/Earpology_Pod
Leave us a voicemail at https://www.earpologypodcast.com/
Email: earpologypodcast@gmail.com
Here's the promo that SYFY played quite a bit back in March & April 2016 to promote the show.